Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722
Turbo 06L145702L 06L145702S 06L145702T 06L145722A 06L145722D 06L145722

12 kg (44x22x33 cm)

Turbo 9VA11

Tax excluded


06L145702L, 06L145702S, 06L145702T, 06L145722A

See below for more info


9VA11 (06L145702L, 06L145702S, 06L145702T) - Turbocharger RHF5

Brand: IHI

Model: RHF5 - RHF5

IHI Reference: 9VA11

OEM Numbers: 06L145702L, 06L145702S, 06L145702T, 06L145722A, 06L145722D, 06L145722E, 06L145722F, 06L145722G, 06L145722H, 06L145722M, 06L145722P, 06L145722S, 06L145722T, 06L145874E, 06L145907D

9VA11 - Alternative numbers

IHT (IHI turbo number): 9VA11

IHT (IHI turbo number): F51CEG-SR033B

9VA11 - Technologies and actuation

Actuation type: Electric (Electric actuator)

Turbocharger technology: WGT (Wastegate Turbocharger)

9VA11 - Turbo interchangeability

Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145702L, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145702S, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145702T, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722A, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722D, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722E, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722F, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722G, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722H, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722M, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722P, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722S, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145722T, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145874E, 9VA11
Interchangeable with: IHI RHF5 06L145907D, 9VA11

06L145702L, 06L145702S, 06L145702T, 06L145722A, 06L145722D, 06L145722E, 06L145722F, 06L145722G, 06L145722H, 06L145722M, 06L145722P, 06L145722S, 06L145722T, 06L145874E, 06L145907D, 9VA11, F51CEG-SR033B

Data updated: 2024-09-30 13:21:50

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