Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007
Shaft and wheel 1635-120-5018 B01-36 BW-02-0007

0.4 kg (20x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0007

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

1635-120-5018, B01-36, BW-02-0007

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0007 for turbos 10009700153-B01V, 10009700225-B01V, 10009700227-B01V, 10009700234-B01V, 10009700238-B01V, 10009700273-B01V, 10009700277-B01V, 10009700286-B01V, 10009700313-B01V, 10009700358-B01V.

See below for more info


BW-02-0007 (1635-120-5018) - Shaft and wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-02-0007

OEM Numbers: 1635-120-5018

BW-02-0007 - Alternative numbers

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): B01-36

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0007

BW-02-0007 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0007 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700153-B01V1000 970 015303N145703C
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700225-B01V1000 970 022503N145701Q
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700227-B01V1000 970 022703N145701G
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700234-B01V1000 970 023403N145701K
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700238-B01V1000 970 023803N145701R
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700273-B01V1000 970 027303N145701M
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700277-B01V1000 970 027703N145701R
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700286-B01V1000 970 028603N145701L
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700313-B01V1000 970 031303N145702
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700358-B01V1000 970 035803N145702A
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700359-B01V1000 970 035903N145701T
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700376-B01V1000 970 037603N145702L
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700377-B01V1000 970 037703N145702N
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700378-B01V1000 970 037803N145702J
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700381-B01V1000 970 038103N145702S
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700382-B01V1000 970 038203N145702T
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700383-B01V1000 970 038303N145704M
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700384-B01V1000 970 038403N145704N
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009700385-B01V1000 970 038503N145704P
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710359-B01V1000 971 035903N145703T
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710376-B01V1000 971 037603N145704C
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710377-B01V1000 971 037703N145704
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710381-B01V1000 971 038103N145704E
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710383-B01V1000 971 038303N145704L
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S10009710384-B01V1000 971 038403N145704K
BorgWarnerB01V163597000021635 970 000204L253016F
BorgWarnerB01V163597000121635 970 001204L253016T
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S163597000161000 970 0191, 1635 970 0016--
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S163597000181000 970 0205, 1000 970 0206, 1635 970 0018--
BorgWarnerB01V-R2S163597000221635 970 0022--
BorgWarnerB01V163597000241635 970 0024--
BorgWarnerB01V163597000561635 970 0056--
BorgWarnerB01V163598800401635 970 0040, 1635 988 004004L253020R

BW-02-0007 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 7

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Full

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Twin

A (Size A): 35.10

A1 (Size A1): 35.10

B (Size B): 30.55

C (Size C): 5.20

D (Size D): 6.00

E (Size E): 4.00

F (Size F): 43.60

G (Size G): 29.60

H (Size H): 15.00

L (Size L): 83.00

T (Size T): M4.0X0.5LH


1635-120-5018, B01-36, BW-02-0007
16359880040, 16359700040, 16359700056, 16359700024, 16359700022, 16359700018, 10009700206, 10009700205, 16359700016, 10009700191, 16359700012, 16359700002, 10009710384, 10009710383, 10009710381, 10009710377, 10009710376, 10009710359, 10009700385, 10009700384, 10009700383, 10009700382, 10009700381, 10009700378, 10009700377, 10009700376, 10009700359, 10009700358, 10009700313, 10009700286, 10009700277, 10009700273, 10009700238, 10009700234, 10009700227, 10009700225, 10009700153, 03N145703C, 1000 970 0153, 03N145701Q, 1000 970 0225, 03N145701G, 1000 970 0227, 03N145701K, 1000 970 0234, 03N145701R, 1000 970 0238, 03N145701M, 1000 970 0273, 03N145701R, 1000 970 0277, 03N145701L, 1000 970 0286, 03N145702, 1000 970 0313, 03N145702A, 1000 970 0358, 03N145701T, 1000 970 0359, 03N145702L, 1000 970 0376, 03N145702N, 1000 970 0377, 03N145702J, 1000 970 0378, 03N145702S, 1000 970 0381, 03N145702T, 1000 970 0382, 03N145704M, 1000 970 0383, 03N145704N, 1000 970 0384, 03N145704P, 1000 970 0385, 03N145703T, 1000 971 0359, 03N145704C, 1000 971 0376, 03N145704, 1000 971 0377, 03N145704E, 1000 971 0381, 03N145704L, 1000 971 0383, 03N145704K, 1000 971 0384, 04L253016F, 1635 970 0002, 04L253016T, 1635 970 0012, 1000 970 0191, 1635 970 0016, 1000 970 0205, 1000 970 0206, 1635 970 0018, 1635 970 0022, 1635 970 0024, 1635 970 0056, 04L253020R, 1635 970 0040, 1635 988 0040

Data updated: 2023-06-29 19:05:52

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