Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37
Shaft and wheel 3533543 HO-02-0009 HX55-37

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel HO-02-0009

In Stock (3 Items)
Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

Shaft length - 155mm

3533543, HO-02-0009, HX55-37

Shaft and wheel HO-02-0009 for turbos 3533544, 3533546, 3537840, 3538716, 3580288, 3590273, 3591077, 3594232, 3594236, 3597728.

See below for more info


HO-02-0009 (3533543) - Shaft and wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: HO-02-0009

OEM Numbers: 3533543

HO-02-0009 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): HO-02-0009

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): HX55-37

HO-02-0009 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel HO-02-0009 - Compatible turbochargers
HolsetHX5535335443533544, 35335458112637-7
HolsetHX5535378403537840, 3537913, 3591949, 452164-00011677725, 425720, 8112921, 8148873
HolsetHX5535387163538716, 3538717, 4031138, 4031138H8148987
HolsetHX553580288313427, 313443, 3580288, 3580288H, 40343035000 693 134
HolsetHX5535902733590273, 3591079, 4031143, 4031143H3165218, 8113422
HolsetHX5535910773591077, 3591078, 4049337H, 4049337HX3165219
HolsetHX5535942323594232, 3594234, 35942351443192, 1443193
HolsetHX5535942363594236, 3594238, 35942391443190, 1443191
HolsetHX5535977283597728, 3597729, 35977301484886, 1484887
HolsetHX5540369034033139, 4033139H, 4036903, 403690420517516
HolsetHX5540371814037181, 4037182, 4041070, 404547720590846, 20973106, 24426247
HolsetHX5540378994033576, 4033576H, 4033576HX, 4037899, 403790120569120
HolsetHX5540493384049337, 4049337H, 4049337HX, 4049338, 712922-0001, 712922-000820516531, 3169592, 4049337

HO-02-0009 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 12

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Double

A (Size A): 86.00

A1 (Size A1): 86.00

B (Size B): 80.00

C (Size C): 13.10

D (Size D): 12.20

E (Size E): 8.00

H (Size H): 35.00

L (Size L): 157.00

T (Size T): M8.0X1.25LH


3533543, HO-02-0009, HX55-37
5000693134, 3533544, 3533545, 8112637-7, 1677726, 3533546, 1677725, 3537840, 3537913, 3591949, 425720, 452164-0001, 8112921, 8148873, 3538716, 3538717, 4031138, 4031138H, 8148987, 313427, 313443, 3580288, 3580288H, 4034303, 5000 693 134, 3165218, 3590273, 3591079, 4031143, 4031143H, 8113422, 3165219, 3591077, 3591078, 4049337H, 4049337HX, 1443192, 1443193, 3594232, 3594234, 3594235, 1443190, 1443191, 3594236, 3594238, 3594239, 1484886, 1484887, 3597728, 3597729, 3597730, 20517516, 4033139, 4033139H, 4036903, 4036904, 20590846, 20973106, 24426247, 4037181, 4037182, 4041070, 4045477, 20569120, 4033576, 4033576H, 4033576HX, 4037899, 4037901, 20516531, 3169592, 4049337, 4049337, 4049337H, 4049337HX, 4049338, 712922-0001, 712922-0008

Data updated: 2024-07-15 16:53:01

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