Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5015 BW-02-0040 K03-39

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0040

In Stock (26 Items)
Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

5303-120-5015, BW-02-0040, K03-39

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0040 for turbos 53039700009, 53039700014, 53039700018, 53039700019, 53039700023, 53039700024, 53039700038, 53039700047, 53039700050, 53039700051.

See below for more info


BW-02-0040 (5303-120-5015) - Shaft and wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-02-0040

OEM Numbers: 5303-120-5015

BW-02-0040 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0040

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): K03-39

BW-02-0040 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0040 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000095303 970 0009, 5303 971 0009, 5303 988 00090375C8, 9622526980, 9633382180
BorgWarnerK03-1873CXA4.81KCAXD530397000145303 970 0014, 5303 971 0014, 5303 988 00147700108948, 7701471634, 7711134065, 8200107826, 8200715891
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000185303 970 0018, 5303 988 0018, 5303 990 00180375A6, 9632427880
BorgWarnerK03-1873CAB3.81KCAAD530397000195303 970 00196680960199, 6680960299, 6680960399
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000235303 970 0023, 5303 988 00239632406680
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000245303 970 00240375C9, 0375F5, 9632124680
BorgWarnerK03-1873CXA4.81KCAXD530397000385303 970 00387700115414
BorgWarnerK03-1873CXA4.81KCAXD530397000475303 970 0047, 5303 988 00477700315460, 7701472751, 8200122302
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000505303 970 0050, 5303 988 00500375G3, 9640168280
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000515303 970 0051, 5303 988 005113900-67G00, ZY34027010
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000565303 970 00569640873380
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000575303 970 0057, 5303 988 00579640355080
BorgWarnerK03-1873CAB3.81KCAAF530397000605303 970 00606680960499
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000615303 970 0061, 5303 988 00610375 G7, 9636473280
BorgWarnerK03-1875EXE4.81KCAXD530397000635303 970 0063ZY34027308

BW-02-0040 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 11

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 45.00

A1 (Size A1): 45.00

B (Size B): 33.50

C (Size C): 7.70

D (Size D): 7.00

E (Size E): 4.61

H (Size H): 18.50

L (Size L): 98.00

T (Size T): M4.5X0.5LH


5303-120-5015, BW-02-0040, K03-39
53039700063, 53039880061, 53039700061, 0375G7, 53039700060, 53039880057, 53039700057, 53039700056, 53039880051, 53039700051, 53039880050, 53039700050, 53039880047, 53039700047, 53039700038, 53039700024, 53039880023, 53039700023, 53039700019, 53039900018, 53039880018, 53039700018, 53039880014, 53039710014, 53039700014, 53039880009, 53039710009, 53039700009, 0375C8, 5303 970 0009, 5303 971 0009, 5303 988 0009, 9622526980, 9633382180, 5303 970 0014, 5303 971 0014, 5303 988 0014, 7700108948, 7701471634, 7711134065, 8200107826, 8200715891, 0375A6, 5303 970 0018, 5303 988 0018, 5303 990 0018, 9632427880, 5303 970 0019, 6680960199, 6680960299, 6680960399, 5303 970 0023, 5303 988 0023, 9632406680, 0375C9, 0375F5, 5303 970 0024, 9632124680, 5303 970 0038, 7700115414, 5303 970 0047, 5303 988 0047, 7700315460, 7701472751, 8200122302, 0375G3, 5303 970 0050, 5303 988 0050, 9640168280, 13900-67G00, 5303 970 0051, 5303 988 0051, ZY34027010, 5303 970 0056, 9640873380, 5303 970 0057, 5303 988 0057, 9640355080, 5303 970 0060, 6680960499, 0375 G7, 5303 970 0061, 5303 988 0061, 9636473280, 5303 970 0063, ZY34027308

Data updated: 2025-02-14 11:18:13

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