Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-5030 5303-120-5034 5303-120-8505 BV43-35 BW-0

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0004

In Stock (93 Items)
Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

5303-120-5030, 5303-120-5034, 5303-120-8505, BV43-35

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0004 for turbos 53039700097, 53039700109, 53039700122, 53039700126, 53039700127, 53039700129, 53039700131, 53039700137, 53039700138, 53039700143.

See below for more info


BW-02-0004 (5303-120-5030, 5303-120-5034, 5303-120-8505) - Shaft and wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-02-0004

OEM Numbers: 5303-120-5030, 5303-120-5034, 5303-120-8505

BW-02-0004 - Alternative numbers

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): BV43-35

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0004

BW-02-0004 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0004 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXK530397000975303 970 0097, 5303 988 009728200-4A421, M28200-4A421
BorgWarnerBV43-1880DXF419.18BXAXC530397001095303 970 0109, 5303 988 0109, 5303 990 010903G145702H
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXK530397001225303 970 012228200-4A470, 282004A470
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXK530397001265303 970 012628200-4A450
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXK530397001275303 970 012728200-4A480
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397001295303 970 012903L253019C, 03L253019M
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397001315303 970 013103L145702, 03L145702J
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397001375303 970 013703L253010D, 03L253016G, 03L253019K
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397001385303 970 0138, 5303 971 0138, 5303 988 013803L145701A, 03L145701C, 03L145702E, 03L145702N
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXK530397001435303 970 0143, 5303 988 014328200-4A450
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXC530397001445303 970 0144, 5303 988 014428200-4A470, 282004A470
BorgWarnerBV43-2074DCBAA419.18BVAXC530397001455303 970 0145, 5303 988 0145, 5303 990 014528200-4A480
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397001895303 970 0189, 5303 988 0189, 5303 990 018903L145701E
BorgWarnerBV43-1880KCF419.18BVAXC530397002075303 970 0207, 5303 988 0207, 5303 990 020703L253056C
BorgWarnerBV43-2070DCBAA380.18KVAXK530397070005303 970 70006400900980, 6400901480, 6400901580, 6400902580
BorgWarnerBV43-2070DCBAA380.18KVAXK530397070015303 970 7001, 5303 988 70016400901680, 6400902680
BorgWarnerBV43-2070DCBAA380.18KVAXK530398804654351 902 001, 5303 988 0465, BV43-0010302DM0051N

BW-02-0004 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 9

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Full

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Twin

A (Size A): 43.00

A1 (Size A1): 43.00

B (Size B): 38.20

C (Size C): 7.00

D (Size D): 7.00

E (Size E): 4.60

H (Size H): 23.50

L (Size L): 98.00

T (Size T): M4.05X0.5LH


5303-120-5030, 5303-120-5034, 5303-120-8505, BV43-35, BW-02-0004
53039880465, 4351902001, 53039887001, 53039707001, 53039707000, 53039900207, 53039880207, 53039700207, 53039900189, 53039880189, 53039700189, 53039900145, 53039880145, 53039700145, 53039880144, 53039700144, 53039880143, 53039700143, 53039880138, 53039710138, 53039700138, 53039700137, 53039700131, 53039700129, 53039700127, 53039700126, 53039700122, 53039900109, 53039880109, 53039700109, 53039880097, 53039700097, 28200-4A421, 5303 970 0097, 5303 988 0097, M28200-4A421, 03G145702H, 5303 970 0109, 5303 988 0109, 5303 990 0109, 28200-4A470, 282004A470, 5303 970 0122, 28200-4A450, 5303 970 0126, 28200-4A480, 5303 970 0127, 03L253019C, 03L253019M, 5303 970 0129, 03L145702, 03L145702J, 5303 970 0131, 03L253010D, 03L253016G, 03L253019K, 5303 970 0137, 03L145701A, 03L145701C, 03L145702E, 03L145702N, 5303 970 0138, 5303 971 0138, 5303 988 0138, 28200-4A450, 5303 970 0143, 5303 988 0143, 28200-4A470, 282004A470, 5303 970 0144, 5303 988 0144, 28200-4A480, 5303 970 0145, 5303 988 0145, 5303 990 0145, 03L145701E, 5303 970 0189, 5303 988 0189, 5303 990 0189, 03L253056C, 5303 970 0207, 5303 988 0207, 5303 990 0207, 5303 970 7000, 6400900980, 6400901480, 6400901580, 6400902580, 5303 970 7001, 5303 988 7001, 6400901680, 6400902680, 0302DM0051N, 4351 902 001, 5303 988 0465, BV43-001

Data updated: 2023-08-14 12:05:35

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