Repair kit BW-04-0055
Repair kit BW-04-0055
Repair kit BW-04-0055
Repair kit BW-04-0055

0.5 kg (30x20x5 cm)

Repair kit BW-04-0055

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

Repair kit BW-04-0055 for turbos 17459500005, 17459700000, 17459700001, 17459700005, 17459700008, 17459980001, 53039700324, 53039700359, 53039700385, 53039700414.

See below for more info


BW-04-0055 - Repair kit

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-04-0055

BW-04-0055 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-04-0055

BW-04-0055 - Compatibility table

Repair kit BW-04-0055 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerBV45174595000051745 950 00055370734
BorgWarnerBV45174597000001745 970 00005370733
BorgWarnerBV45174597000011745 970 0001, 1745 998 00015370734
BorgWarnerBV45174597000051745 970 00055343014
BorgWarnerBV45174597000081745 970 00085405287
BorgWarnerBV45174599800011745 970 0001, 1745 998 00015370734
BorgWarnerBV43530397003245303 970 032404L253010L
BorgWarnerBV43530397003595303 970 035904L253010N
BorgWarnerBV43530397003855303 970 038504L253010S
BorgWarnerBV43530397004145303 970 041404L253056C
BorgWarnerBV43530397004415303 970 044104L253056E
BorgWarnerBV43530397004755303 970 047504L253056F
BorgWarnerBV43530397004765303 970 047604L253056H
BorgWarnerBV4353039700476-R5303 970 047604L253056H
BorgWarnerBV43530397005425303 970 054204L253056L
BorgWarnerBV43530397006205303 970 0620, 5303 988 062004L253124

53039880620, 53039700620, 53039700542, 53039700476, 53039700476, 53039700475, 53039700441, 53039700414, 53039700385, 53039700359, 53039700324, 17459980001, 17459700001, 17459700008, 17459700005, 17459980001, 17459700001, 17459700000, 17459500005, 1745 950 0005, 5370734, 1745 970 0000, 5370733, 1745 970 0001, 1745 998 0001, 5370734, 1745 970 0005, 5343014, 1745 970 0008, 5405287, 1745 970 0001, 1745 998 0001, 5370734, 04L253010L, 5303 970 0324, 04L253010N, 5303 970 0359, 04L253010S, 5303 970 0385, 04L253056C, 5303 970 0414, 04L253056E, 5303 970 0441, 04L253056F, 5303 970 0475, 04L253056H, 5303 970 0476, 04L253056H, 5303 970 0476, 04L253056L, 5303 970 0542, 04L253124, 5303 970 0620, 5303 988 0620

Data updated: 2024-05-27 16:10:13

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