Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159
Compressor wheel 311948 BW-03-0159

0.3 kg (10x6x10 cm)

Compressor wheel BW-03-0159

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

311948, BW-03-0159

Compressor wheel BW-03-0159 for turbos 312311, 312312, 312926, 312939, 312940, 313044, 314001, 314081, 314176, 315022.

See below for more info


BW-03-0159 (311948) - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-03-0159

OEM Numbers: 311948

BW-03-0159 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-03-0159

BW-03-0159 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel BW-03-0159 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerS2B312311312174, 312223, 312311, 3147162674A162, 2674A163, 2674A172
BorgWarnerS2B312312311912, 312312, 3126912674A161, 2674A166
BorgWarnerS2B312926312010, 312926, 313794, 316588, 465443-0002, 465443-00020.007.0707.4, 1097344, 707074, 712504
BorgWarnerS2B312939312515, 312939836846365
BorgWarnerS2B312940312507, 312940836847519
BorgWarnerS2B313044313002, 31304412270414KZ
BorgWarnerS2B314001313935, 313937, 313940, 314001, 314443, 316701, 316710, 316724, 31673104202969KZ, 04202971KZ, 04204493KZ, 04206857KZ, 04253824KZ
BorgWarnerS2B314081314073, 31408112272551KZ
BorgWarnerS2B314176314129, 3141761.0529.20.0.0064
BorgWarnerS2B315022313874, 3150225000691986
BorgWarnerS2B315305314784, 31530512272669KZ
BorgWarnerS2B315437314912, 314913, 314914, 314915, 315226, 315423, 315437, 315518, 316705, 316709, 316713, 316718, 316725, 316726, 31672804207629KZ, 04207630KZ, 04207631KZ, 04207632KZ, 04208588KZ, 04208797KZ, 04208857KZ, 04253818KZ, 20412315, 3802133
BorgWarnerS2BG315644315631, 315644836840891
BorgWarnerS2BG316494316477, 316494836859531
BorgWarnerS2B317196317116, 317196, 31740604255291KZ, 04255576KZ, 04255791KZ
BorgWarnerS2BW318142317716, 31814204229685KZ, 3802175, 888787
BorgWarnerS2B318247318159, 31824704256821KZ, 20405585, 3802132

BW-03-0159 - Part Properties

Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 7/7

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super

A (Size A): 76.20

A1 (Size A1): 76.20

B (Size B): 46.20

C (Size C): 6.14

C1 (Size C1): 8.40

D (Size D): 46.20

E (Size E): 7.00


311948, BW-03-0159
2674A162, 2674A163, 2674A172, 312174, 312223, 312311, 314716, 2674A161, 2674A166, 311912, 312312, 312691, 0.007.0707.4, 1097344, 312010, 312926, 313794, 316588, 465443-0002, 465443-0002, 707074, 712504, 312515, 312939, 836846365, 312507, 312940, 836847519, 12270414KZ, 313002, 313044, 04202969KZ, 04202971KZ, 04204493KZ, 04206857KZ, 04253824KZ, 313935, 313937, 313940, 314001, 314443, 316701, 316710, 316724, 316731, 12272551KZ, 314073, 314081, 1.0529.20.0.0064, 314129, 314176, 313874, 315022, 5000691986, 12272669KZ, 314784, 315305, 04207629KZ, 04207630KZ, 04207631KZ, 04207632KZ, 04208588KZ, 04208797KZ, 04208857KZ, 04253818KZ, 20412315, 314912, 314913, 314914, 314915, 315226, 315423, 315437, 315518, 316705, 316709, 316713, 316718, 316725, 316726, 316728, 3802133, 315631, 315644, 836840891, 316477, 316494, 836859531, 04255291KZ, 04255576KZ, 04255791KZ, 317116, 317196, 317406, 04229685KZ, 317716, 318142, 3802175, 888787, 04256821KZ, 20405585, 318159, 318247, 3802132

Data updated: 2024-06-05 11:10:04

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