Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00
Compressor wheel 167480 168250 BW-03-0148 S300-00

0.2 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Compressor wheel BW-03-0148

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

167480, 168250, BW-03-0148, S300-00

Compressor wheel BW-03-0148 for turbos 167734, 168386, 168681, 168683, 168685, 169038, 169057, 169489, 169603, 172240.

See below for more info


BW-03-0148 (167480, 168250) - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-03-0148

OEM Numbers: 167480, 168250

BW-03-0148 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-03-0148

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): S300-00

BW-03-0148 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel BW-03-0148 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerS300G0251690381690380R7137, 136-3972
BorgWarnerS300W0301694891694890R7212, 143-1209
BorgWarnerS300W03016960316960310R9754, 145-8884
BorgWarnerS300S084172240172240RE507461, RE508712
BorgWarnerS300-83H33CGDCM/0.88-76ZD3177280173312, 176546, 177280, 477280RE516958, RE516961, RE532363
BorgWarnerS300-83H33CGDCM/1.00-76ZD3177329170263, 177329, 477329RE502887, RE66524, SE500415
BorgWarnerS300S002178081168223, 168676, 169586, 178081RE63158, RE63165, RE66502, RE70342, SE500428
BorgWarnerS300S002178082168224, 168225, 169585, 172834, 173598, 178082RE509883, RE519045, RE61716, RE63518, RE64271, RE64274, RE70341, SE500423
BorgWarnerS300S039178418168684, 178418RE64767
BorgWarnerS300S001178419167484, 178419RE519036, RE56488, RE57184, SE500270
BorgWarnerS300S039178420167727, 178420RE60651, RE64924, RE66351, SE500433
BorgWarnerS300S039-83H33CGBSM/0.88VO-76ZD3178431172388, 178431RE508694, RE509331
BorgWarnerS300G315235315006, 31523551.09100-7374
BorgWarnerS300315623315525, 31562351.09100-7411
BorgWarnerS300G316175315223, 31617551.09100-7395
BorgWarnerS300G317415317290, 31741551.09100-7465

BW-03-0148 - Part Properties

Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 7/7

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super

A (Size A): 83.50

A1 (Size A1): 83.50

B (Size B): 60.00

C (Size C): 7.30

C1 (Size C1): 7.00

D (Size D): 49.00

E (Size E): 8.00


167480, 168250, BW-03-0148, S300-00
167734, RE60553, 168386, 168681, RE66522, 168683, RE64923, 168685, 0R7137, 136-3972, 169038, 132-6197, 169057, 0R7212, 143-1209, 169489, 10R9754, 145-8884, 169603, 172240, RE507461, RE508712, 173312, 176546, 177280, 477280, RE516958, RE516961, RE532363, 170263, 177329, 477329, RE502887, RE66524, SE500415, 168223, 168676, 169586, 178081, RE63158, RE63165, RE66502, RE70342, SE500428, 168224, 168225, 169585, 172834, 173598, 178082, RE509883, RE519045, RE61716, RE63518, RE64271, RE64274, RE70341, SE500423, 168684, 178418, RE64767, 167484, 178419, RE519036, RE56488, RE57184, SE500270, 167727, 178420, RE60651, RE64924, RE66351, SE500433, 172388, 178431, RE508694, RE509331, 315006, 315235, 51.09100-7374, 315525, 315623, 51.09100-7411, 315223, 316175, 51.09100-7395, 16687798, 317055, 317290, 317415, 51.09100-7465

Data updated: 2024-05-29 16:56:34

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