Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122
Compressor wheel BW-03-0122

0.2 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Compressor wheel BW-03-0122

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

5327-123-2035, 5327-123-2217, 5327-123-2227, BW-03-0122

Compressor wheel BW-03-0122 for turbos 53269706290, 53269706291, 53269706292, 53269706293, 53279706201, 53279706203, 53279706204, 53279706205, 53279706206, 53279706208.

See below for more info


BW-03-0122 (5327-123-2035, 5327-123-2217, 5327-123-2227) - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: BW-03-0122

OEM Numbers: 5327-123-2035, 5327-123-2217, 5327-123-2227

BW-03-0122 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-03-0122

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): K27-08

BW-03-0122 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel BW-03-0122 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerK26-3262MAA10.71GAAXB532697062905326 970 62903802061, 838697, 860918
BorgWarnerK26-3262MAA8.71GAAXB532697062915326 970 6291, 5326 988 6291861209R
BorgWarnerK26-3262MGA8.71GAAXB532697062925326 970 6292119173-18011
BorgWarnerK26-3262MGA12.71GAAXB532697062935326 970 6293860352R
BorgWarnerK27-3262MAA20.2253279706201311703, 5327 970 62010020966599, 0020966699, 0020967499
BorgWarnerK27-3262MGB20.2253279706203311703, 5327 970 62030030962099, 0030962199, 0030962299
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MNA15.22GNATB532797062045327 970 620451.09100-7223
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MNA14.22GNATB532797062055327 970 620551.09100-7225, 815.60.11.0211
BorgWarnerK27-3262MGB20.22GNADD532797062065327 970 6206, 5327 971 6206, 5327 972 6206, 5327 988 62060030965399, 0030965499, 0030965599
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGB21.22GNATB532797062085327 970 6208, 5327 971 6208, 5327 972 6208, 5327 988 62085700021, 5700066
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGA21.22GNATB532797062105327 970 62105700149
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGA21.22GNATB532797062115327 970 62115700150
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGB21.22GNATB532797062125327 970 62125700158
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGA17.22GNATB532797062165327 970 6216, 5327 988 6216X7405800
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGAAA12.22GNATB532797062175327 970 6217252514510111
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGB12.71GYAXB532797062905327 970 62900020206700, 3660964399
BorgWarnerK27532797162165327 971 6216F8228000
BorgWarnerK27532797162175327 971 6217252514510114
BorgWarnerK27532797262175327 972 6217252514510121
BorgWarnerK27.2-3262MGAAA12.92GNATD532798870575327 970 7057, 5327 988 7057X7406100

BW-03-0122 - Part Properties

Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 7/7

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super

A (Size A): 81.00

A1 (Size A1): 81.00

B (Size B): 50.10

C (Size C): 6.05

C1 (Size C1): 3.50

D (Size D): 44.30

E (Size E): 7.00


5327-123-2035, 5327-123-2217, 5327-123-2227, BW-03-0122, K27-08
53279887057, 53279707057, 53279726217, 53279716217, 53279716216, 53279706290, 53279706217, 53279886216, 53279706216, 53279706212, 53279706211, 53279706210, 53279886208, 53279726208, 53279716208, 53279706208, 53279886206, 53279726206, 53279716206, 53279706206, 53279706205, 53279706204, 53279706203, 53279706201, 53269706293, 53269706292, 53269886291, 53269706291, 53269706290, 3802061, 5326 970 6290, 838697, 860918, 5326 970 6291, 5326 988 6291, 861209R, 119173-18011, 5326 970 6292, 5326 970 6293, 860352R, 0020966599, 0020966699, 0020967499, 311703, 5327 970 6201, 0030962099, 0030962199, 0030962299, 311703, 5327 970 6203, 51.09100-7223, 5327 970 6204, 51.09100-7225, 5327 970 6205, 815.60.11.0211, 0030965399, 0030965499, 0030965599, 5327 970 6206, 5327 971 6206, 5327 972 6206, 5327 988 6206, 5327 970 6208, 5327 971 6208, 5327 972 6208, 5327 988 6208, 5700021, 5700066, 5327 970 6210, 5700149, 5327 970 6211, 5700150, 5327 970 6212, 5700158, 5327 970 6216, 5327 988 6216, X7405800, 252514510111, 5327 970 6217, 0020206700, 3660964399, 5327 970 6290, 5327 971 6216, F8228000, 252514510114, 5327 971 6217, 252514510121, 5327 972 6217, 5327 970 7057, 5327 988 7057, X7406100

Data updated: 2024-06-20 08:52:54

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