Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007
Compressor wheel HO-03-0007

0.2 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Compressor wheel HO-03-0007

Tax excluded Delivered within 3-8 days

3537163, 3599588, HO-03-0007, HX35-04

Compressor wheel HO-03-0007 for turbos 3536469, 3537132, 3539653, 3591975, 3593142, 3593339, 3593887, 3595018, 3596948, 3596952.

See below for more info


HO-03-0007 (3537163, 3599588) - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: HO-03-0007

OEM Numbers: 3537163, 3599588

HO-03-0007 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): HO-03-0007

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): HX35-04

HO-03-0007 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel HO-03-0007 - Compatible turbochargers
HolsetHX3535364693536469, 3536470, 3538935, 3590794, 3590794H, 3598566--
HolsetHX3535371323537132, 3537133, 3537134, 3537135, 3537136, 3537137, 3598176, 4033173, 4033173H3802770
HolsetHX3535396533539653, 3539654, 3539654H, 3539655, 3539656, 3539657, 35396583804962
HolsetHX3535919753591975, 3591976--
HolsetHX3535931423593142, 3593143--
HolsetHX3535933393593339, 3593341--
HolsetHX3535938873593887, 3593888, 4033608H65.09100-7054
HolsetHX3535950183595018, 3595019--
HolsetHX3535969483596948, 3596949, 3596949H, 3596950, 3599184, 3599185, 3599186, 4035628--
HolsetHX3535969523596952, 3596953, 3596953H--
HolsetHX3535983373598337, 3598338, 3598339, 3598340, 3598341, 4033361, 4033361H65.09100-7078, 65.09100-7079, 65.09100-7080A, 65.09100-7081A
HolsetHX3535988713598871, 3598965--
HolsetHX3535993083599308, 3599309ID203677
HolsetHX3540354973787189, 3787189H, 4035497, 4035498, 4035499A3919119, A3919121
HolsetHX40M40357143786886H, 4035714, 403571565.09100-7094
HolsetHX3540357604035760, 4035761--

HO-03-0007 - Part Properties

Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 8/8

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super

A (Size A): 83.00

A1 (Size A1): 83.00

B (Size B): 50.00

C (Size C): 5.50

C1 (Size C1): 5.00

D (Size D): 40.00

E (Size E): 7.00


3537163, 3599588, HO-03-0007, HX35-04
3536469, 3536470, 3538935, 3590794, 3590794H, 3598566, 3537132, 3537133, 3537134, 3537135, 3537136, 3537137, 3598176, 3802770, 4033173, 4033173H, 3539653, 3539654, 3539654H, 3539655, 3539656, 3539657, 3539658, 3804962, 3591975, 3591976, 3593142, 3593143, 3593339, 3593341, 3593887, 3593888, 4033608H, 65.09100-7054, 3595018, 3595019, 3596948, 3596949, 3596949H, 3596950, 3599184, 3599185, 3599186, 4035628, 3596952, 3596953, 3596953H, 3598337, 3598338, 3598339, 3598340, 3598341, 4033361, 4033361H, 65.09100-7078, 65.09100-7079, 65.09100-7080A, 65.09100-7081A, 3598871, 3598965, 3599308, 3599309, ID203677, 3787189, 3787189H, 4035497, 4035498, 4035499, A3919119, A3919121, 3786886H, 4035714, 4035715, 65.09100-7094, 4035760, 4035761

Data updated: 2024-06-20 13:38:26

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