801202 Turbo parts

No parts available

801202 Main info

Turbo brand: Master Power
Reference: 801202
Series: MP450
Model: MP450
Technology: STD
Actuation: NA

801202 Alternative numbers

OEM: 1339995
OEM: 1354277
OEM: 1378396
OEM: 1384333
OEM: 1388058
OEM: 1388059
OEM: 1399269
OEM: 1399272
OEM: 1412299
OEM: 1412300
OEM: 1423038
OEM: 1423039
OEM: 1423040
OEM: 1423041
OEM: 1485645
OEM: 1485646
OEM: 1485648
OEM: 1849030
OEM: 571483
MPT: 801202

801202 Turbo replacements

No turbo replacements available for 801202

801202 Interchangeable with

3533885 (Holset HX50)
3536749 (Holset HX50)
3537414 (Holset HX50)
3538495 (Holset HX50)
3538497 (Holset HX50)
3591167 (Holset HX50)
3597654 (Holset HX50)
3796900 (Holset HX50)
3796907 (Holset HX50)
40006273 (BMTS BM)
452109-0001 (Garrett GT4288N)
452109-0003 (Garrett GT4288N)
452109-0005 (Garrett GT4288N)
452109-0006 (Garrett GT4288)
452109-0008 (Garrett GT4288S)
70000174619 (BorgWarner S400S207)
703072-0001 (Garrett GT4288)
703072-0002 (Garrett GT4288)
703072-0003 (Garrett GT4288)
703072-0004 (Garrett GT4288)

801202 Remark

MP450 (HX50 / GT4288 / S400)

801202 Shopping - 801202

370.00 €
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801202 Turbo images


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Last update 2022-05-27 15:16:27

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