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5328073 Turbo parts
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5328073 Main info
Turbo brand: Holset
Reference: 5328073
Series: HE300
Model: HE300VG
Technology: VGT
Actuation: Electric
5328073 Alternative numbers
HOT: 5328073
HOT: 5328083
OEM: 5328083A
HOT: 5452856
HOT: 5452857
HOT: 5453630
HOT: 5453909
5328073 Turbo replacements
Replaced by 5640454 (HE300VG)
5328073 Interchangeable with
3792222 (Holset HE300VG)
5501331 (Holset HE300VG)
5640454 (Holset HE300VG)
5328073 Remark
No turbo remark
5328073 Shopping - 5328073
5328073 Turbo images
No image available
Alternative products
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