Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114
Shaft and wheel 5303-120-8835 5303-120-8849 BW-02-0114

0.4 kg (20x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0114

Obecnie brak na stanie
27,14 €

5303-120-8835, 5303-120-8849, BW-02-0114

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0114 for turbos 53039700226, 53039700324, 53039700353, 53039700359, 53039700385, 53039700411, 53039700414, 53039700433, 53039700441, 53039700443.

See below for more info


BW-02-0114 (5303-120-8835, 5303-120-8849) - Shaft and wheel

Marka: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Indeks: BW-02-0114

OEM Numbers: 5303-120-8835, 5303-120-8849

BW-02-0114 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0114

BW-02-0114 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0114 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerBV43-2072KCBAA380.18PVAXC530397002265303 970 022628231-4A700
BorgWarnerBV43530397003245303 970 032404L253010L
BorgWarnerBV43-2072KCBAA380.18PVAXC530397003535303 970 0353, 5303 988 035328231-4A701
BorgWarnerBV43530397003595303 970 035904L253010N
BorgWarnerBV43530397003855303 970 038504L253010S
BorgWarnerBV43530397004115303 970 04119810613380
BorgWarnerBV43530397004145303 970 041404L253056C
BorgWarnerBV43530397004335303 970 043304L253010A
BorgWarnerBV43530397004415303 970 044104L253056E
BorgWarnerBV43530397004435303 970 044304L253056G
BorgWarnerBV43530397004755303 970 047504L253056F
BorgWarnerBV43530397004765303 970 047604L253056H
BorgWarnerBV4353039700476-R5303 970 047604L253056H
BorgWarnerBV43530397004775303 970 047704L253056G
BorgWarnerBV43530397004785303 970 047804L253056J
BorgWarnerBV43530397004925303 970 04929812386080
BorgWarnerBV43530397005215303 970 0521, 5303 988 05219812386080
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397005251000 970 0198, 5303 970 0525--
BorgWarnerBV43530397005425303 970 054204L253056L
BorgWarnerBV43530397005435303 970 054304L253056M
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397005691000 970 0216, 5303 970 0569--
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397005981000 970 0233, 5303 970 0598--
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397006041000 970 0241, 5303 970 0604--
BorgWarnerBV43530397006205303 970 0620, 5303 988 062004L253124
BorgWarnerBV43530397006215303 970 0621, 5303 988 062104L253124A
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397006921000 970 0290, 5303 970 0692--
BorgWarnerBV43-R2S530397007701000 970 0339, 5303 970 0770--
BorgWarnerBV43530398804325303 970 0432, 5303 970 0435, 5303 988 043228230-2F600, 28231-2F600
BorgWarnerBV43530398804905303 970 0490, 5303 988 04906720900380
BorgWarnerBV43530398804915303 970 0491, 5303 988 04916720900080
BorgWarnerBV43-2072KCBAA380.18PVAXC530398806555303 970 0655, 5303 988 065528231-4A700

BW-02-0114 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 9

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Full

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Twin

A (Size A): 42.50

A1 (Size A1): 42.50

B (Size B): 37.85

C (Size C): 6.59

D (Size D): 7.00

E (Size E): 4.61

H (Size H): 18.50

L (Size L): 98.00

T (Size T): M4.5X0.5LH


5303-120-8835, 5303-120-8849, BW-02-0114
53039880655, 53039700655, 53039880491, 53039700491, 53039880490, 53039700490, 53039880432, 53039700435, 53039700432, 53039700770, 10009700339, 53039700692, 10009700290, 53039880621, 53039700621, 53039880620, 53039700620, 53039700604, 10009700241, 53039700598, 10009700233, 53039700569, 10009700216, 53039700543, 53039700542, 53039700525, 10009700198, 53039880521, 53039700521, 53039700492, 53039700478, 53039700477, 53039700476, 53039700476, 53039700475, 53039700443, 53039700441, 53039700433, 53039700414, 53039700411, 53039700385, 53039700359, 53039880353, 53039700353, 53039700324, 53039700226, 28231-4A700, 5303 970 0226, 04L253010L, 5303 970 0324, 28231-4A701, 5303 970 0353, 5303 988 0353, 04L253010N, 5303 970 0359, 04L253010S, 5303 970 0385, 5303 970 0411, 9810613380, 04L253056C, 5303 970 0414, 04L253010A, 5303 970 0433, 04L253056E, 5303 970 0441, 04L253056G, 5303 970 0443, 04L253056F, 5303 970 0475, 04L253056H, 5303 970 0476, 04L253056H, 5303 970 0476, 04L253056G, 5303 970 0477, 04L253056J, 5303 970 0478, 5303 970 0492, 9812386080, 5303 970 0521, 5303 988 0521, 9812386080, 1000 970 0198, 5303 970 0525, 04L253056L, 5303 970 0542, 04L253056M, 5303 970 0543, 1000 970 0216, 5303 970 0569, 1000 970 0233, 5303 970 0598, 1000 970 0241, 5303 970 0604, 04L253124, 5303 970 0620, 5303 988 0620, 04L253124A, 5303 970 0621, 5303 988 0621, 1000 970 0290, 5303 970 0692, 1000 970 0339, 5303 970 0770, 28230-2F600, 28231-2F600, 5303 970 0432, 5303 970 0435, 5303 988 0432, 5303 970 0490, 5303 988 0490, 6720900380, 5303 970 0491, 5303 988 0491, 6720900080, 28231-4A700, 5303 970 0655, 5303 988 0655

Data updated: 2025-02-12 16:55:48

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