0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0045
433158-0001, 433158-0005, 433290-0004, 433290-0042
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0045 for turbos 452084-0001, 452084-0004, 452084-0007, 452084-0009, 452084-0010, 452084-0011, 452124-0004, 452124-0005, 452124-0006, 452124-0007.
See below for more info
GA-02-0045 (433158-0001, 433158-0005, 433290-0004, 433290-0042, 433298-0098, 434712-0011, 434712-0020) - Shaft and wheel
Marka: TurboCentras
TurboCentras Reference: GA-02-0045
OEM Numbers: 433158-0001, 433158-0005, 433290-0004, 433290-0042, 433298-0098, 434712-0011, 434712-0020
GA-02-0045 - Alternative numbers
TCP (TurboCentras part number): GA-02-0045
TCO (TurboCentras old part number): GT15-37
GA-02-0045 - Compatibility table
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0045 - Compatible turbochargers | ||||
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0001 | 452084-0001 | 96FF6K682AA |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0004 | 452084-0004, 452084-5004S | 96FF6K682AA |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0007 | 452084-0007, 452084-5007S | 96FF6K682AB |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0009 | 452084-0009, 452084-5009S | 96FF6K682AC |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0010 | 452084-0010 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452084-0011 | 452084-0011, 452084-5011S | 1110504, 96FF6K682AD |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452124-0004 | 452124-0004, 452124-5004S | 97FF6K682AB |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452124-0005 | 452124-0005, 452124-5005S | 97FF6K682AC |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452124-0006 | 452124-0006, 452124-5006S | 1107642, 97FF6K682AE |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452124-0007 | 452124-0007 | 97FF6K682AB, 97FF6K682AD, 97FF6K682AE |
Garrett | GT1549 | 452194-0001 | 452194-0001, 452194-5001S | 90490382, 9180290 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452195-0001 | 452195-0001, 452195-5001S | 75442310 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452195-0003 | 452195-0003 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452195-0004 | 452195-0004, 452195-5004S | 75442314 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452244-0004 | 452244-0004 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452244-0005 | 452244-0005, 452244-5005S | 1079399, XS4Q6K682BB |
Garrett | GT1544MS | 452254-0003 | 452254-0003, 452254-5003S | XS4Q6K682CA |
Garrett | GT1544S | 452254-0004 | 452254-0004 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454065-0002 | 454065-0002 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454082-0001 | 454082-0001 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454082-0002 | 454082-0002 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454083-0001 | 454083-0001 | 028145701J, 028145701Q, 95VW-6K682-AA, 95VW6K682AA |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454083-0002 | 454083-0002, 454083-5002S | 028145701J, 028145701Q, 1002829, 95VW-6K682-AA, 95VW6K682AA |
Garrett | GT1544H | 454092-0001 | 454092-0001, 454092-5001S | 90499271 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454093-0001 | 454093-0001 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454093-0002 | 454093-0002 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454093-0003 | 454093-0003 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454093-0004 | 454093-0004, 454093-5004S | 2245901 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454093-0006 | 454093-0006, 454093-5006S | 2245901 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454097-0001 | 454097-0001 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454097-0002 | 454097-0002, 454097-5002S | 28145702 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454098-0001 | 454098-0001, 454098-5001S | 90531518 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454098-0002 | 454098-0002 | -- |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454098-0003 | 454098-0003, 454098-5003S | 24442213 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454159-0001 | 454159-0001 | 038145701A |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454159-0002 | 454159-0002, 454159-5002S | 038145701A |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454172-0001 | 454172-0001 | 028145702F |
Garrett | GT1544S | 454172-0002 | 454172-0002 | 028145702F |
Garrett | GT1544H | 454187-0001 | 454187-0001, 454187-5001S | 90530995 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 703674-0001 | 703674-0001, 703674-5001S | 038145701F |
Garrett | GT1544HS | 704345-0001 | 704345-0001, 704345-5001S | 9202084 |
Garrett | GT1549 | 708699-0001 | 708699-0001 | -- |
Garrett | GT1549 | 708699-0002 | 708699-0002, 708699-5002S | 90490711 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 708866-0001 | 708866-0001 | 24461826 |
Garrett | GT1544S | 708867-0001 | 708867-0001 | 9202692 |
GA-02-0045 - Part Properties
Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 10
Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard
Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Slender
Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open
P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single
A (Size A): 42.00
A1 (Size A1): 42.00
B (Size B): 32.20
C (Size C): 5.90
D (Size D): 7.88
E (Size E): 5.08
H (Size H): 18.00
L (Size L): 89.00
T (Size T): M5.0X0.8LH

433158-0001, 433158-0005, 433290-0004, 433290-0042, 433298-0098, 434712-0011, 434712-0020, GA-02-0045, GT15-37
452084-0001, 96FF6K682AA, 452084-0004, 452084-5004S, 96FF6K682AA, 452084-0007, 452084-5007S, 96FF6K682AB, 452084-0009, 452084-5009S, 96FF6K682AC, 452084-0010, 1110504, 452084-0011, 452084-5011S, 96FF6K682AD, 452124-0004, 452124-5004S, 97FF6K682AB, 452124-0005, 452124-5005S, 97FF6K682AC, 1107642, 452124-0006, 452124-5006S, 97FF6K682AE, 452124-0007, 97FF6K682AB, 97FF6K682AD, 97FF6K682AE, 452194-0001, 452194-5001S, 90490382, 9180290, 452195-0001, 452195-5001S, 75442310, 452195-0003, 452195-0004, 452195-5004S, 75442314, 452244-0004, 1079399, 452244-0005, 452244-5005S, XS4Q6K682BB, 452254-0003, 452254-5003S, XS4Q6K682CA, 452254-0004, 454065-0002, 454082-0001, 454082-0002, 028145701J, 028145701Q, 454083-0001, 95VW-6K682-AA, 95VW6K682AA, 028145701J, 028145701Q, 1002829, 454083-0002, 454083-5002S, 95VW-6K682-AA, 95VW6K682AA, 454092-0001, 454092-5001S, 90499271, 454093-0001, 454093-0002, 454093-0003, 2245901, 454093-0004, 454093-5004S, 2245901, 454093-0006, 454093-5006S, 454097-0001, 28145702, 454097-0002, 454097-5002S, 454098-0001, 454098-5001S, 90531518, 454098-0002, 24442213, 454098-0003, 454098-5003S, 038145701A, 454159-0001, 038145701A, 454159-0002, 454159-5002S, 028145702F, 454172-0001, 028145702F, 454172-0002, 454187-0001, 454187-5001S, 90530995, 038145701F, 703674-0001, 703674-5001S, 704345-0001, 704345-5001S, 9202084, 708699-0001, 708699-0002, 708699-5002S, 90490711, 24461826, 708866-0001, 708867-0001, 9202692
Data updated: 2023-08-14 12:09:02