W koszyku nie ma jeszcze produktów 785448-0006 Main info
Turbo brand: Garrett
Indeks: 785448-0006
Seria: GT15
Model: GTC1549VZ
Technology: VGT
Actuation: APS
785448-0006 Alternative numbers
OEM: 03L253010E
OEM: 03L253010F
GHT: 785448-0006
GHT: 785448-5005S
GHT: 785448-9005S
785448-0006 Turbo replacements
Replacement for 785448-0003 (GTC1549MVZ)
Replacement for 785448-0005 (GTC1549MVZ)
Replacement for 785448-5005S (GTC1549MVZ)
785448-0006 Interchangeable with
785448-0003 (Garrett GTC1549MVZ)
785448-0005 (Garrett GTC1549MVZ)
785448-5005S (Garrett GTC1549MVZ)
785448-0006 Remark
No turbo remark
785448-0006 Shopping - 785448-0006
785448-0006 Turbo images
Alternative products
Out of stock
Out of stock