5322467 Turbo parts

No parts available

5322467 Main info

Turbo brand: Holset
Indeks: 5322467
Seria: HE500
Model: HE500FG
Technology: STD
Actuation: NA

5322467 Alternative numbers

OEM: 20857656
HOT: 4031169H
HOT: 4031169HX
HOT: 4044199
HOT: 5322467

5322467 Turbo replacements

Replacement for 3790509 (HX55)
Replacement for 4043162 (HX55)
Replacement for 4044198 (HX55)

5322467 Interchangeable with

3790509 (Holset HX55)
3790532 (Holset HX55)
3790878 (Holset HX55)
4038876 (Holset HX55)
4039850 (Holset HX55)
4043161 (Holset HX55)
4043162 (Holset HX55)
4044198 (Holset HX55)
4044200 (Holset HX55)
4048102 (Holset HX55)
5322461 (Holset HE500FG)
5324766 (Holset HE500WG)
5324767 (Holset HE500FG)
5324768 (Holset HE500FG)
5460120 (Holset HE500FG)
5460121 (Holset HE500FG)
805390 (Master Power MP530)

5322467 Remark

No turbo remark

5322467 Shopping - 5322467

460.00 €
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5322467 Turbo images


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Last update 2022-04-26 14:13:31

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