452070-0013 Turbo parts
Part Name | Marka | Indeks | Price | Action |
Repair kit | TurboCentras | GA-04-0031 [x1] | 20.62 € | |
Shaft and wheel | TurboCentras | GA-02-0130 [x1] | 111.00 € |
452070-0013 Main info
Turbo brand: Garrett
Indeks: 452070-0013
Seria: TA51
Model: TA5130
Technology: STD
Actuation: NA
452070-0013 Alternative numbers
OEM: 1250884
GHT: 452070-0013
GHT: 452070-5013S
452070-0013 Turbo replacements
Replacement for 452070-0004 (TA5130)
452070-0013 Interchangeable with
452070-0004 (Garrett TA5130)
452070-0013 Remark
No turbo remark
452070-0013 Shopping
No product available
452070-0013 Turbo images
No image available
Alternative products
No alternatives