Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056
Shaft and wheel 54431206509 BW-02-0056

0.4 kg (20x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0056

Auf Lager (30 Artikel)
30,00 €
zzgl. MwSt. Lieferung innerhalb von 3-8 Tagen

54431206509, BW-02-0056

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0056 for turbos 16399700000, 16399700003, 16399700005, 16399700006, 16399700018, 16399700020, 16399700038, 16399700042, 54399400120, 54399700132.

See below for more info


BW-02-0056 (54431206509) - Shaft and wheel

Marke: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Artikel-Nr.: BW-02-0056

OEM Numbers: 54431206509

BW-02-0056 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0056

BW-02-0056 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0056 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerB01G163997000001639 970 0000DS7G6K682DB
BorgWarnerB01G163997000031639 970 0003DS7G6K682EA
BorgWarnerB01G163997000051639 970 0005F1FG-6K682-AA
BorgWarnerB01G163997000061639 970 0006F1FG6K682AA, F1FG6K682AB
BorgWarnerB01G163997000181639 970 0018F1FG6K682AC
BorgWarnerB01G163997000201639 970 0020--
BorgWarnerB01G163997000381639 970 0038, 1639 998 0038F1FG6K682BA
BorgWarnerB01G163997000421639 970 0042--
BorgWarnerKP39543994001205439 940 0120476ZQA-1118020
BorgWarnerKP39543997001325439 970 0132--
BorgWarnerKP39543997001345439 970 0134--
BorgWarnerKP39543997001465439 970 0146--
BorgWarnerKP39543997001505439 970 015010100331530200
BorgWarnerKP39543997001515439 970 0151--

BW-02-0056 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 9

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Full

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 38.50

A1 (Size A1): 38.50

B (Size B): 32.30

C (Size C): 5.76

D (Size D): 6.00

E (Size E): 4.10

F (Size F): 43.60

G (Size G): 29.60

H (Size H): 15.80

L (Size L): 83.00

T (Size T): M4.0X0.5LH


54431206509, BW-02-0056
54399700151, 54399700150, 54399700146, 54399700134, 54399700132, 54399400120, 16399700042, 16399980038, 16399700038, 16399700020, 16399700018, 16399700006, 16399700005, 16399700003, 16399700000, 1639 970 0000, DS7G6K682DB, 1639 970 0003, DS7G6K682EA, 1639 970 0005, F1FG-6K682-AA, 1639 970 0006, F1FG6K682AA, F1FG6K682AB, 1639 970 0018, F1FG6K682AC, 1639 970 0020, 1639 970 0038, 1639 998 0038, F1FG6K682BA, 1639 970 0042, 476ZQA-1118020, 5439 940 0120, 5439 970 0132, 5439 970 0134, 5439 970 0146, 10100331530200, 5439 970 0150, 5439 970 0151

Data updated: 2024-07-11 16:34:15

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