Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35
Shaft and wheel 314653 BW-02-0089 S2A-35

0.4 kg (20x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0089

Auf Lager (11 Artikel)
50,06 €
zzgl. MwSt. Lieferung innerhalb von 3-8 Tagen

314653, BW-02-0089, S2A-35

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0089 for turbos 12619880003, 313646, 316599, 317251, 317372, 318614, 318615, 318726, 319163.

See below for more info


BW-02-0089 (314653) - Shaft and wheel

Marke: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Artikel-Nr.: BW-02-0089

OEM Numbers: 314653

BW-02-0089 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0089

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): S2A-35

BW-02-0089 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0089 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerS2A126198800031261 988 0003, 319048RE516771
BorgWarnerS2A313646313201, 313646RE47705, RE50927
BorgWarnerS2A316599311748, 316599RE59004
BorgWarnerS2A317251317230, 317251RE503100
BorgWarnerS2A317372317360, 317372RE503722
BorgWarnerS2A318614318569, 318614, 418569, 471049-0004RE508973, RE509817, RE60046
BorgWarnerS2A318615174735, 318570, 318615, 3990015011, 3990023112, 418570, 471049-0001, 471049-0002, 471049-0003, 471049-0004, 471049-0006, 471049-0008, 471049-9001, 471049-9004RE503097, RE508876, RE508877, RE508971, RE509818, RE523366, RE526420, RE528772, RE529469, RE531983, RE532282, RE532290, RE533436, RE533442, RE536407, RE537049, RE537183, RE59379, RE59997, RE59999, RE60046, RE60069, RE60076, RE67647, RE70995
BorgWarnerS2A318726318568, 318726, 418568, 471049-0011RE505028, RE508974, RE515559
BorgWarnerS2A319163173358, 319125, 319163RE516783, RE516784, RE517799

BW-02-0089 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 10

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 61.00

A1 (Size A1): 61.00

B (Size B): 52.80

C (Size C): 9.66

D (Size D): 9.00

E (Size E): 6.50

H (Size H): 22.00

L (Size L): 137.00

T (Size T): 1/4X28UNF-LH


314653, BW-02-0089, S2A-35
12619880003, 1261 988 0003, 319048, RE516771, 313201, 313646, RE47705, RE50927, 311748, 316599, RE59004, 317230, 317251, RE503100, 317360, 317372, RE503722, 318569, 318614, 418569, 471049-0004, RE508973, RE509817, RE60046, 174735, 318570, 318615, 3990015011, 3990023112, 418570, 471049-0001, 471049-0002, 471049-0003, 471049-0004, 471049-0006, 471049-0008, 471049-9001, 471049-9004, RE503097, RE508876, RE508877, RE508971, RE509818, RE523366, RE526420, RE528772, RE529469, RE531983, RE532282, RE532290, RE533436, RE533442, RE536407, RE537049, RE537183, RE59379, RE59997, RE59999, RE60046, RE60069, RE60076, RE67647, RE70995, 318568, 318726, 418568, 471049-0011, RE505028, RE508974, RE515559, 173358, 319125, 319163, RE516783, RE516784, RE517799

Data updated: 2024-07-11 14:39:12

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