Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35
Shaft and wheel 5336-120-2101 BW-02-0085 K36-35

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0085

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138,86 €
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5336-120-2101, BW-02-0085, K36-35

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0085 for turbos 53369706302, 53369706600, 53369706601, 53369706602, 53369706690, 53369706692, 53369706693, 53369706694, 53369707200.

See below for more info


BW-02-0085 (5336-120-2101) - Shaft and wheel

Marke: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Artikel-Nr.: BW-02-0085

OEM Numbers: 5336-120-2101

BW-02-0085 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): BW-02-0085

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): K36-35

BW-02-0085 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel BW-02-0085 - Compatible turbochargers
BorgWarnerK36-3763/27.21533697063025336 970 6302--
BorgWarnerK36-3566/25.21533697066005336 970 66001059001, 1059002, 1059003, 1059004, 1059005, 1059006
BorgWarnerK36-3766R32.21533697066015336 970 66010020960599
BorgWarnerK36-3766R32.21533697066025336 970 6602, 5336 988 66020010969899
BorgWarnerK36-3766R21.71533697066905336 970 66900010968599
BorgWarnerK36-3766R17.71533697066925336 970 66920010969499
BorgWarnerK36-3766R21.71533697066935336 970 66930020963999
BorgWarnerK36-3766R17.71533697066945336 970 66940020964199
BorgWarnerK36-3772V35.21533697072005336 970 72005000787904

BW-02-0085 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 12

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 96.50

A1 (Size A1): 96.50

B (Size B): 81.00

C (Size C): 14.70

D (Size D): 14.26

E (Size E): 11.11

H (Size H): 34.00

L (Size L): 170.00


5336-120-2101, BW-02-0085, K36-35
53369707200, 53369706694, 53369706693, 53369706692, 53369706690, 53369886602, 53369706602, 53369706601, 53369706600, 53369706302, 5336 970 6302, 1059001, 1059002, 1059003, 1059004, 1059005, 1059006, 5336 970 6600, 0020960599, 5336 970 6601, 0010969899, 5336 970 6602, 5336 988 6602, 0010968599, 5336 970 6690, 0010969499, 5336 970 6692, 0020963999, 5336 970 6693, 0020964199, 5336 970 6694, 5000787904, 5336 970 7200

Data updated: 2024-07-09 09:38:43

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