Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47
Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 GT17-47

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077

24,98 €
zzgl. MwSt. Lieferung innerhalb von 3-8 Tagen

GA-02-0077, GT17-47

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 for turbos 710060-0001, 710060-0003, 733952-0001, 733952-0004, 750441-0005, 750441-0008, 753556-0002, 753556-0006, 753847-0002, 753847-0004.

See below for more info


GA-02-0077 - Shaft and wheel

Marke: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Artikel-Nr.: GA-02-0077

GA-02-0077 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): GA-02-0077

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): GT17-47

GA-02-0077 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0077 - Compatible turbochargers
GarrettGT1749S710060-0001710060-000128200-4A001, 282004A001
GarrettGT1749S710060-0003710060-0003, 710060-5003S28200-4A001, 282004A001
GarrettGT1752S733952-0001733952-000128200-4A101, 282004A101
GarrettGT1752S733952-0004733952-0004, 733952-5004S28200-4A101, 282004A101
GarrettGTA1849LV750441-0005750441-0005, 750441-5005S14411ES60A, 14411ES60B
GarrettGT1749V753556-0002753556-0002, 753556-5002S9654919580
GarrettGTA1749V753847-0002753847-0002, 753847-5002S1331247, 9654931780
GarrettGTA1749V753847-0006753847-0006, 753847-5006S1406472, 9659667380
GarrettGT1749V756047-0004756047-00040375K8, 9662301280
GarrettGT1749V756047-0005756047-00050375K8, 9682778680
GarrettGT1749V756047-0006756047-0006, 756047-5006S, 756047-9006S0375K8, 9682778680
GarrettGTA1749V760220-0002760220-0002, 760220-5002S9681896180
GarrettGT1749V760220-0003760220-0003, 760220-5003S9682778880
GarrettGTA1749V760220-0004760220-0004, 760220-5004S, 760220-9004S9682778880
GarrettGT1752VK760774-0002760774-00029654931780, 9858728580
GarrettGT1749V760774-0003760774-0003, 760774-5003S1483819, 30725134, 36002265, 3M5Q6K682CD, 9662464980
GarrettGT1749V760774-0005760774-0005, 760774-5005S, 760774-9005S1483819, 30725134, 36002265, 3M5Q6K682CD, 9662464980
GarrettGT1749V765993-0004765993-0004, 765993-5004S, 765993-9004S8V4Q6K682AA
GarrettGTA1749V766470-0002766470-0002, 766470-5002S279114510101

GA-02-0077 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 9

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Straight

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 43.00

A1 (Size A1): 43.00

B (Size B): 37.50

C (Size C): 8.35

D (Size D): 7.88

E (Size E): 5.08

H (Size H): 24.00

L (Size L): 92.50

T (Size T): M5.0X0.8LH


GA-02-0077, GT17-47
28200-4A001, 282004A001, 710060-0001, 28200-4A001, 282004A001, 710060-0003, 710060-5003S, 28200-4A101, 282004A101, 733952-0001, 28200-4A101, 282004A101, 733952-0004, 733952-5004S, 14411ES60A, 14411ES60B, 750441-0005, 750441-5005S, 750441-0008, 753556-0002, 753556-5002S, 9654919580, 753556-0006, 9654919580, 1331247, 753847-0002, 753847-5002S, 9654931780, 753847-0004, 1406472, 753847-0006, 753847-5006S, 9659667380, 756047-0002, 9658673480, 0375K8, 756047-0004, 9662301280, 0375K8, 756047-0005, 9682778680, 0375K8, 756047-0006, 756047-5006S, 756047-9006S, 9682778680, 760220-0002, 760220-5002S, 9681896180, 760220-0003, 760220-5003S, 9682778880, 760220-0004, 760220-5004S, 760220-9004S, 9682778880, 760774-0002, 9654931780, 9858728580, 1483819, 30725134, 36002265, 3M5Q6K682CD, 760774-0003, 760774-5003S, 9662464980, 1483819, 30725134, 36002265, 3M5Q6K682CD, 760774-0005, 760774-5005S, 760774-9005S, 9662464980, 765993-0004, 765993-5004S, 765993-9004S, 8V4Q6K682AA, 279114510101, 766470-0002, 766470-5002S

Data updated: 2023-10-06 16:26:11

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