Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47
Shaft and wheel 434712-0026 434712-0034 GA-02-0055 GT15-47

0.25 kg (10x10x10 cm)

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0055

Auf Lager (28 Artikel)
26,46 €
zzgl. MwSt. Lieferung innerhalb von 3-8 Tagen

434712-0026, 434712-0034, GA-02-0055, GT15-47

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0055 for turbos 708866-0002, 708867-0002, 762785-0001, 762785-0002, 762785-0003, 762785-0004.

See below for more info


GA-02-0055 (434712-0026, 434712-0034) - Shaft and wheel

Marke: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Artikel-Nr.: GA-02-0055

OEM Numbers: 434712-0026, 434712-0034

GA-02-0055 - Alternative numbers

TCP (TurboCentras part number): GA-02-0055

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): GT15-47

GA-02-0055 - Compatibility table

Shaft and wheel GA-02-0055 - Compatible turbochargers
GarrettGT1544S708866-0002708866-0002, 708866-5002S24461826
GarrettGT1544S708867-0002708867-0002, 708867-5002S24461825
GarrettGT1549S762785-0001762785-0001, 762785-5001S144101946R, 144110463R, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200543466B
GarrettGT1549S762785-0002762785-0002, 762785-5002S144101946R, 144110463R, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200637628
GarrettGT1549S762785-0003762785-0003, 762785-5003S144101946R, 144110463R, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200766344
GarrettGT1549S762785-0004762785-0004, 762785-5004S8200466021, 820091077A

GA-02-0055 - Part Properties

Blades (Shaft & Wheel blades count): 12

Rotation (Shaft & Wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Shaft & Wheel type): Slender

Back (Shaft & Wheel back type): Open

P.R. (Shaft & Wheel piston rings count): Single

A (Size A): 42.00

A1 (Size A1): 42.00

B (Size B): 34.40

C (Size C): 5.50

D (Size D): 7.88

E (Size E): 5.08

H (Size H): 15.00

L (Size L): 92.50

T (Size T): M5.0X0.8LH


434712-0026, 434712-0034, GA-02-0055, GT15-47
24461826, 708866-0002, 708866-5002S, 24461825, 708867-0002, 708867-5002S, 144101946R, 144110463R, 762785-0001, 762785-5001S, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200543466B, 144101946R, 144110463R, 762785-0002, 762785-5002S, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200637628, 144101946R, 144110463R, 762785-0003, 762785-5003S, 7701477300, 7711368774, 8200766344, 762785-0004, 762785-5004S, 8200466021, 820091077A

Data updated: 2024-07-17 13:31:37

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